God is able to do far more than we could ask or imagine, through us, for His glory. Ephesians 3:20-21

The Impossibly Perfect Building

Current Location
Unstable + Insufficient

  • Too much money for too little use
  • Losing the parking lot
  • Lease can be ended at any time

New Home: 9525 Colesville Road
Rooted + Incredible

  • 24/7 use of a 30,000 sq. ft. space
  • Strategic and accessible location
  • Sanctuary, classrooms, parking, playground

He is Able: Goals

Primary Goal 100% Participation
Secondary Goal $2 Million+

Following Jesus is bigger than buildings — and it’s not about money.

God could have done this without us; instead, He gave us this building, at this time, that we might step together into deeper dependance, greater faith, and the joy of giving the gift He has called you to give.

This is the life of faith, covered and compelled by the mighty provision of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is able.

Total Cost: $6.25 Million

$2M Existing Cash
$2M Given & Committed
= The Well’s New Home

When God powerfully works through 100% of us to provide two million dollars—or more!—to add to the existing cash we currently have, we will close on November 30th with a manageable monthly mortgage and the ability to effectively manage the building for the eternal work of the gospel.

We will aggressively pay down the remainder of the mortgage over the next seven years.

From Pastor Matt


Will you step by faith into the impossible? Through you, God is able to do far more than we could ask or imagine.

He is able!

He’s proved it already—resurrecting His Son, saving the lost, transforming broken lives, resettling refugee families, adopting children, averting suicides, bringing marriages back to life, and raising us as His church to follow Jesus together for the good of the world! God will prove it again on November 30th when we purchase the most impossibly perfect building He has provided for us.

He is able!

Four years ago, we asked God to provide a permanent worship and ministry space for The Well. Certainly, God would want—and be able—to do that? But every door was shut. ‘No’ after ‘no’ piled up. In the waiting, this secular and expensive place seemed to be winning.

Meanwhile, our God was shaping us into a people who might see Him for who He really is. Greater faith and deeper dependance culminated in God’s mighty plan to move through the most unlikely of partnerships for His perfect provision. God chose to do far more than we ever dared to ask or imagine by giving us the most impossibly perfect building, in the most impossibly perfect location, for His ‘impossibly’ eternal purpose.

Let’s step together into the provision of our God, giving above and beyond our own ability, to see Him give us the two million dollars—or more—to do the impossible.

Who am I to deny what the Lord can do?

He is able to do far more through The Well for generations to come. Let’s praise our God as we partner with Him to see the lost saved, lives transformed, kids grow up in the love of Christ, churches planted, schools served, refugees resettled, children adopted, the nations reached, and our neighbors introduced to our loving Savior.

May our God do beyond all that we could ever ask or imagine, through us, for His eternal glory.

He is able!

Stepping with you into the ability of our God,

Matt Klingler
Pastor Matthew Klingler

Next Steps

Mark your calendars for October 20th to make your commitment on “He is Able” Sunday.

Pray and ask God what He is calling you to give.

Give according to the ability of our God. Give your upfront, generous, kickstart gift on or before November 17th. Commit to sacrificial ongoing giving, over and above your usual offering, over the next two years.

Celebrate seeing God do the impossible through you.

When 100% of us give what God has called us to give, covered and compelled by the provision of our Savior, we will purchase the building He has provided for us (closing November 30th), and we will know He is able to do far more than we could have asked or imagined, through us, for generations to come.


I commit to following God wherever He calls me to go, giving whatever He calls me to give, over and above my normal offering, knowing He is Able.

  1. A kick-start gift of $
  2. And, to give over the next two years $

Thank you! Now head to the give page to set up your commitment.


After committing to your faith-filled gift, make sure to follow the link below in order to give your first kick-start gift and schedule repetitious giving. If you have financial questions or are giving stocks, assets, or other gifts you can contact our accountant, Amita Mackin, at amita.mackin@thewellsilverspring.org.

Checks can be mailed to:
The Well Community Church,
PO Box 3323
Silver Spring, MD 20918

Give Now

There's no formula for this. So seek God for what He is calling you to give and step by faith as you watch Him do the impossible through you. As God's mighty provision moves through 100% of us, we anticipate seeing Him provide the necessary resources, beyond all that we could ask or imagine, to purchase the building He has given us. What a joy it will be to praise Him for all He has done as we follow Jesus together here for generations to come!

Commitments One-Time/Total or Monthly
1 $250,000 $10,417
1 $200,000 $8,333
2 $150,000 $6,250
2 $100,000 $4,167
4 $75,000 $3,125
4 $50,000 $2,083
4 $30,000 $1,250
10 $25,000 $1,042
10 $15,000 $625
10 $10,000 $417
12 $7,500 $313
20 $5,000 $208
Many Any Amount